If you want to send Ethereum or other compatible tokens to me this is my main wallet address: 0x3Ae138A03F77dfC65fc6e27063C3E65f6668359c
Curriculum Vitae
My Curriculum vitae is available here: CV-HansHarhoffAndersen2015. See also my LinkedIn profile.
PhD thesis: Cooling and Manipulating Ions in Traps with Integrated Optical Cavities
I have submitted and defended my PhD thesis in Ion trap physics. The thesis is available here: Cooling and manipulating ions in traps with integrated optical cavities
Installing qutip on Windows
I had some problems installing Qutip on Windows. I solved them by adding the MinGW32-xy path to the Windows path environment. See details here.
Getting started with Python
I’ve written a short introduction to getting started with Python including IPython and how to set a default search path. It is mostly targeted Ubuntu users. Link to guide on Google Docs.
Ubuntu 14.04: Making it useful
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook htop vim flashplugin-installer nautilus-open-terminal spyder tortoisehg-nautilus network-manager-openconnect ssh
Total differentials
Total differentials are useful but how do you technically go from them to differentials of functions. Let’s define $f(x)$ as a continuous function. Then $$ df= \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} dx,$$ where df is called the total differential. If x(t) is a function t then how do we get this explicit dependence? $$ f = \int… Continue reading Total differentials
Getting the newest version of Octave for Ubuntu/Debian
If you want the newest version of Octave (3.8 as of the time of writing) you will need to compile it yourself. Do sudo apt-get build-dep octave sudo apt-get install libqscintilla2-9 libqscintilla2-dev wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/octave/octave-3.8.0.tar.bz2 tar -xvf octave-3.8.0.tar.bz2 cd octave-3.8.0 ./configure make make check sudo make install when this is done Octave should work for you. Keep… Continue reading Getting the newest version of Octave for Ubuntu/Debian
Fase-skift i øvelse 5
Det kan være svært at fitte til arctan i forbindelse med målingen af fasen i øvelse 5 i Mekanik og Termodynamik. Her er en lille forklaring og et udtryk med cosinus man kan bruge i stedet: phase
Nye skabeloner til Fysikrapporter til brug ved kurserne på IFA (opdateret August 2014)
Jeg har sammen med Hjalte Kiefer og Christian Kraglund Andersen begået nogle skabeloner til fysikkurserne ved IFA, AU. Kommentarer, ris og ros modtages gerne. Fysikrapport_Templates_2014 (revideret d. 19. august 2014)